Gastric Sleeve

The gastric sleeve is a relatively new bariatric procedure that is increasing in popularity. It is an excellent weight loss operation and rivals the gastric bypass for weight loss without some of the possible complications of the gastric bypass. This procedure can be performed as a single operation or, in a super morbidly obese patient, it can serve as a first-stage operation before gastric bypass.

Weight loss begins very quickly after the sleeve gastrectomy. It is typical for Dr. Frenzel’s gastric sleeve patients to lose 25-30 punds in the first month and many of his gastric sleeve patients reach their weight loss goals in the first 9 months. On average, 1 year after the sleeve gastrectomy, patients can expect approximately 60 to 80 percent excess weight loss. Results will of course vary, depending on your particular health conditions. Health problems related to obesity may also be resolved or improved.