Thigh Lift Procedures


The incisions for thigh lift surgery are specially placed in natural body folds, in locations that allow clothing to cover your scars. Some excess skin and tissue below the incision is removed and lifted as needed. Dissolvable sutures are placed, along with drains to remove fluid that accumulates during recovery. An elastic compression garment is worn to reduce swelling and ensure a smooth result.


After Thigh Lift Surgery


Recovery time is approximately 1-2 weeks, during which patients are advised to walk around in order to prevent blood clots. Dr. Frenzel prescribes pain medications to reduce discomfort. Light exercise can be resumed after a few weeks. Once a full recovery is realized, patients can maintain a regular exercise routine to optimize the results of surgery. For more information on thigh lift surgery, contact the office of Dr. Frenzel for a private consult.